What is affecting the local church today….? postmodernism, compromise, cold hearts and lack of vision. Independent Baptists need to stay on the Cutting Edge!

June– 2003

Cutting Edge

Responses to the article: Is Tithing a Doctrine only for Charismatics? An Answer to the Baptist Contender
And An Answer to the Baptist Magazine’s indictment of “God Save America”
by James Beller

Responses to the Contender article:

Dear Bro. Beller,
I enjoyed your article in this month about the “Independent Baptist Contender.” I agree with you in what you said. It seems as thought the devil is having a feild day getting us to be critical of one another. Lets get back to keeping the main thing the main thing. Lets get
back to seeing souls saved and for truth. I always remember Bro. Hyles saying that he would rather be criticized than be critical. Why is there so much fighting going on? Are people trying to be the voice of Fundamentalism? Your article was a breath of fresh air.

Robb Arnold, Pastor
Fifty Six Baptist Church
Fifty Six, Arkansas


Mon, 20 Jan 2003

Appreciated the Beller article. Amen! 

I didn’t order the one I got either. Keep up the good work.

Mike Graber


Sun, 2 Feb 2003 

Dear Pastor Beller,

I appreciate and am in whole-hearted agreement of your views regarding Bro.Schaap and the Baptist Contender. I sat in staff meetings of a close friend of Dr. Neal, a man who is a very vocal critic of Dr. Schaap, and have seen great hatred manifested toward Dr. Schaap. Many rumors were begun and much hatred was emulated because of, I believe, pure sour grapes, or a simple dislike
of Dr. Schaap. Thanks for your no-nonsense, low emotion, scriptural rebuttal to these attacks.

In Christ,
Rich Gelfand


Tue, 4 Feb 2003

Dear Brother Beller,

I wanted to thank you for your response to the Contender’s attack against Brother Schaap. I wrestled with how I should address it, if at all. I didn’t want to write a personal letter to Dr. Neal because I knew he would use it as a tool to show he was a martyr, and he might misquote me, or possibly print me out of context. I am a pastor in Winter Park/Orlando, FL, of a fundamental, independent Baptist Church. I love Brother Schaap and his church. He has done a fabulous job since Brother Hyles went to Heaven. What a tremendous undertaking, and yet God has blessed them still.

Once I read your article on the subject, I was very pleased that someone with a larger voice than mine (via web site), spoke out and clearly. I am extremely disappointed in what was said, and that Dr. Hyles words were used inappropriately to seem as if he would attack Brother Schaap too.

God bless you friend, and thank you for your voice in the matter.

Yours in Christ,

Brother Chad Asbury
Pastor and Friend

P.S. – Send email replies to netzerocoffee@netzero.net


Sun, 9 Feb 2003

Greetings! Thank you for writing an article providing Christians with a common sense approach. Perhaps I believe it is common sense because I agree, but you worded it well, without being critical simply to criticize.
There is so much about Brother Hyles that people have missed. Such a complex man for being so simplistic!
I agree with your thoughts that Dr. Hyles maybe instructed Brother Schaap to teach on the matter. I also know that Brother Schaap is well read, and yes, books that I personally would not read, he has read. I believe though, he has enough sense, and character to take what he reads, and check it out with the Bible, as you said.
Thank you for the article.

Don Moore


Thanks for your response to the article in the ‘Baptist Contender’ I forwarded to my pastor and he found it informative.  Charles Smith  cesmith@tbscc.com   


Fri, 14 Mar 2003

I found the article written by Mr. J. Beller very well presented, and logically sound in his points concerning the current controversy between Tom Neal and Jack Schaap. Above all, I appreciated somebody finally having the courage to come around and make the statement concerning our duty to consider all teachings in light of the Scriptures, as opposed to the current trends in religious circles. When I went to Bible college, I believed that our doctrine should be based on Scripture, not on who holds that particular doctrine at the time. I still believe that way, and by the grace of God, I will die believing that way.

It is time for fundamentalists to get back to taking our stands within the
context of Scripture, and not in the context of what our buddies believe or others within our particular “camp.” I am a graduate of Hyles Anderson College, and continue to be an independent Baptist preacher serving on the mission field along the rivers of the Amazon region. I get tired of watching our Baptist brethren fight over what are often relatively petty things, all the while increasingly un-churched, lost people continue to die and go to Hell who don’t even care about the latest topic of debate.

In the Service of the Saviour,

Mark Edwards
Missionary to the Amazon &
member of Teays Valley Baptist Church,
Hurricane, WV


Another missionary wrote:
Pastor Beller:

I just read your article in response to “The Baptist” article. You are right about the effect of all this on missionaries, I am finding it harder and harder to get support. There are pastors whose ministries I was involved in that will not support me because I happen to be “not quite of their stripe” anymore. I wonder who changed? I have to “walk on eggshells” at many of my supporting churches because to even mention the names of other independent Baptist pastors that support me is grounds for dismissal.


Now here are some responses concerning the Dr. Monte article in the Baptist:

Mon, 10 Mar 2003 

Dear Brother Beller,

Just read your article: “Garbage truck- An Answer to THE BAPTIST magazine Criticism of the God Save America Conference”

This infighting is what is killing us these days. No wonder the largest Churches in America are no
longer independent Baptist. I love all the men you mentioned and learn from all of them. As Doctor Hyles once said, all men are my teachers. Even the enemies. Some things are best left unsaid, WE ARE A GAZINGSTOCK, and not much to gaze at are we?

Here are three real audio sermons perhaps you could find time to listen to:
3-9-03 PM – Pursuing the Power of God – Part 2 – http://www.fbbc.com/ra/030309p.ram  Why the power is departed from IFB’s!?!
2-23-03 PM – Keeping Salvation Simple – http://www.fbbc.com/ra/030223p.ram  We better……
& the classic:
Step Off The Bench – Dr Jack Hyles – http://www.fbbc.com/ra/getoffbench.ram  Perhaps I am even guilty sending this!! haha

They also can be downloaded here:

Bro. Frank Broughton
ooO_(_)_Ooo____ ____


Tue, 11 Mar 2003

Dear Brother Beller,
I wanted to send you a note and thank you for your stand for the old time 
religion including the Bible doctrine of repentance. I also wanted to thank 
you for the article of rebuttal that you have posted on the website in 
defense of the truth and in defense of some men that are trying to stand for 
the truth, myself included. I love you, brother, and pray for you daily. I 
trust all is well at Arnold Baptist Tabernacle. Hopefully we’ll cross paths 
in the very near future. If you are at Pastors’ School, I may see you there. 
God bless you, my brother.
Yours for souls,
Brother Corle


4 Mar 2003

Dear Brother Beller,

Let me begin by saying how excited, yea, even delighted I was to read your very finely reasoned response to my article in the Baptist.  It is this type of theological debate that is and always has been an integral part of “iron sharpening iron.”  You need not be apologetic for writing your response to me (“I want you to know that I do not enjoy doing this sort of thing”), I am glad you did.  In fact, you are the only person that has responded in a thoughtful and literate manner to my article, and I want you to know that I respect both your intellect and literary talents for doing so.  As both you and I know, there was a day when spirited theological debate was an accepted norm among scholars and preachers–even a source of entertainment coupled with edification for our people.  I am reminded of the great theological and scientific debates featuring such giants as W.B. Riley.  Of course this was in a day when giants still roamed the earth.  It is refreshing to see that some men like yourself still have the giant’s heart.  Our movement has unfortunately evolved to such a point (along with our society) as to view all debate as mean and schismatic .  Certainly one who would name names or quote individuals, or one who would use any sort of bravado in style above a guarded and stale neutrality is suspect.  The Lilliputians have indeed fastened the giant securely to the terra firma of milk-toast mediocrity.

Of course, I still disagree with some of your premises, but that does not matter.  You have blessed me by making me feel less alone in a hopelessly touchy-feely world.  I look forward to hearing from you again-maybe we could even get together some time– I know that you are a man I would enjoy talking with!! 

By the way, I loved your ending: pithy, pointed, true.   End of discussion?  Boy, I sure hope not!!!

Your Friend, Dr. Michael Monte

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